In this "clearing out" attempt, I got rid of everything and I mean Ev-Re-Thing-Ga... with one little exception; a sloppy, hand written, seemingly insignificant note. But, come to find out, not insignificant at all, in fact it was in many ways momentous and increasingly meaningful (it is the one thing I kept). I think it could be chalked up as a moment of self actualization.
Something you should know about me is, I write everything down, maybe not everything, but lots of things, random things, thoughts, saying, things I never want to forget, moments that mean something to me and I don't want them to go unappreciated. I'm not very organized with this process yet, but it is something I do.
This note was titled, Things Shanna loves. And it went something like this, parenthesis, spelling errors, and all…
Tulips, African Violets, Shamrocks, Edamame, Romin, Sushi, Pirates, Fairies (Fae), Ballerinas, Tea ½ and ½ from Pals, Zelda on the Game Boy, Ms. Pac Man, Nora Jones, Elton John, GARDENING, Teva’s, Crab Legs, Stars, Scooters (Vespa), Dove Choc, Rasberry, blackberry, Soothing Naturals lotion, Purple, Flip flops, Sparrows, Shanna Cappacino, Choc Milk, “Just Married”, “Sex in the City”, Her two new puppies, Cozy Clothes, Blue Blanket (knitted), Beach
I did not write this list, someone else wrote this list. At the time, it was an attempt to show me that he “knew” me and that I meant something to him. Funny thing is, ironic thing really, and the thing that has meant the most to me is, he did not include himself on this list. I think I can actually say he got something right.
These are things I love, I loved them then and I love them now, I love them because they are me, and he has absolutely nothing to do with them. And that is a good feeling… a Great feeling.
Good story!
The word Love in the english language has to broad of possible meanings. It is hard to understand what one means when they say they love something or someone. The love that GOD talks about between a man and a woman. Starts with the man not the woman. It is understood by the wise through acts of commitment, care, and sacrifice. The world believes that is understood with gifts,emotions, sex, and fun times. Those are only superficial without the first. They are important but not the first things. Today most want the 2nd before the first. Therefore Love is misunderstood.Good Thinking sunshine.
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