Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Broken Heart

I am sure you have heard… “time heals all wounds”.. and if by chance you haven’t then you have probably heard one or more of the following.. “just give it time”, “it will take time”, “as time goes by..”, ect. And I agree with the whole time thing, but while said time is passing, there are things that will aid in the process of healing. Here are just a few of the thing that I have found to work:
· At least a week of living with Lorrie, Paul, and Abbie.
· Apple and Twiggy lovin, you can do no wrong when it comes to those two.
· Dad, for when you wake up in the middle of the night crying, just like when you were a little girl. The rest of your family too, they truly will be there no matter what.
· Plenty of liquids, my drinks of choice were grape juice and orange Gatorade… lots and lots of it.
· A few days off work
· Plenty of tears, even after your nose gets raw.. it will seem like they will never end. But they will, so get them all out.
· Breath – you will forget this step from time to time, but do your best not to.
· Friends – make sure they know what is going on, because they will do everything they can to keep you busy.
· Kleenex – the kind with lotion.
· Honesty, the worst person to lie to is yourself. Be sure you are honest with yourself about everything you are feeling.
· And last but not least… a good buckeye adventure!

I’m not saying these things will work for everyone, but they have sure made my situation a whole heck of a lot better. I don’t know if he wrote it, but John Mayer sings, “when your dreaming with a broken heart, the waking up is the hardest part..” that is SO true.

1 comment:

jdg said...

GOD The one that I told you about and showed you. Not the one that silly immature churchey people who dont do what He says and is always pointing at someone about something they condemn or are confused about. GOD is our comfort. Not people, money, jobs, or stations, in life. They all change and their comfort situations change. GOD's comfort never changes.