Friday, April 9, 2010


"You could just say it. And then it is."
-Eliza (Land) Fink

This is what she told me after we had a conversation about her not liking the fact that she did not know where she would be living in the next 6 months. She said that her younger self would have loved that. And I told her that I would love that idea right now. And she told me, "You could just say it. And then it is." And she is more right then she probably knows.

My sister posted on her Facebook wall that she wish she was a tulip. I told her she was a tulip, and this is how I know.

I know you are a tulip. Ask me how I know. I know because you came to life at the perfect time. Because your beauty is simple but blazing. Because your color stands high above everyone else. Because raindrops look good on you. Because you stand up straight and face every day. Because your presentation needs no aid. Because the sun shines on you. You are a gift to everyday. And most importantly because I am a tulip. And tulips know tulips.

All of this is very true about my sister Rachel. She is the greatest and I hope she knows how much she means to me.

This is one of her senior pictures. She is such a beautiful person.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Looking Fabulous

Gina, Amanda, Me, and Erin on the beach in FL

The secrets in my heart are what get me high

I drove to the moon tonight. And I wrote these words along the way.

I have lied (to my eyes that they might rest from you)
I have stole (from my mind and given to my heart)
I have cheated (my feet from touching the ground)

When I say I drove to the moon, I really mean; The moon was so beautiful and big and bright tonight that I had to drive and find a wonderful place to just sit and look at it. I also wrote these words.

I will climb to the top of a budding tree, so that I might convince you I am a bird.

This picture is from my recent trip to Fl. The tree was magnificent.